Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Have......you met assignment 5?

Hi Guys

Heres assignment 5

Animation Assignment

Using Flash, create an interesting symbol and bring it to life using animation as shown in class.

Save the file into a folder with your name on it and upload it to the drop box

Due Mid class Thursday June 2nd

Monday, May 30, 2011

Jukebox prints

Hi Guys,

There is a good sale on business cards from jukebox Prints. They're the company that I used for my business cards. Check them out.


Friday, May 27, 2011

Slicing Notes

Hi Guys

As promised here are the notes on how to slice your images. I've also included in the file, how to edit and re-save single slices. Enjoy I've attached a video file as well as a link to download a PDF version of the notes.

To save the pdf... click the link in the blog post. Then right click on the slide and choose save as.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Assignment 4

Hey Guys

Here is the assignment 4 breakdown and description. Mostly every one completed it in class. If not its due at the end of the open lab Thursday. Don't for get a question for me its worth marks.

Slice it up Assignment

Using the Photoshop slice tool, apply slices to your website layout as shown in class. Then save your website using the save for web and devices. Properly name each sliced section and export.

Save the export to the Website folder on your flash drive. Then drop the website folder (renamed with your name) in to the drop box.

Due end of class Thursday May 26th.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Assignment 3

So heres assignment 3

Button Assignment

Create interesting navigation using Photoshop and the layouts you have already created. Using different font colours, shadows and or font sizes create new text layers for your navigation to simulate what a user will see when they mouse over your links

Due Mid class Tuesday May 24th.

Interesting Article

Hi Guys

Interesting Article that Gerry emailed me. Take a look its about Logos.

Assignment 2 updated

Hi Guys

I should be more clear about assignment 2.

I'm giving every one at lease a half an hour to an hour at the
beginning of class tomorrow night to work on their logo.

My plan is to have everyone complete a form of their logo and we can critique. Then every one can work on the logo further.

Assignment 2 doesn't have a due date. You have until the end of the course to hand that one In.

I'll go over this more tomorrow night.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Assignment 2

Hi Guys

Here is assignment 2. I will give every one time to work on their logo at the beginning of next class.

Logo Assignment

Using Illustrator, Create a unique creative logo that represents you or your company. You will be marked on your use of colour, creativity, font choice, Graphics placement and how well your logo fits in your website layout.

This assignment will be an on-going assignment. Meaning it will be due once we critique and you have a chance to make changes or at the end of the program which ever comes first.

Friday, May 13, 2011


Hi all,

Blogger was down so the auto post that I set up failed. So I apologize for the delay, and here is the review. Click full screen to make the video easier to read.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Follow by Email

I just found a neat "follow by email" add on for our blog. If you get a chance enter you email into it and you should get updates form my posts emailed to you.

Once you enter your email, you will get an activation email sent to you. Make sure you click the link in that email to activate the service.

Open Lab Thursday

Hi Guys

As discussed in class, tomorrow night will be an open lab. Have some questions ready for me that are web site related. If you cant think of any thing feel free to ask me something about photography in general. Maybe you guys want a studio tip or something fun in Photoshop.

Also there will be a short review and a TEST........ No I'm joking theres no test. Try to use the time to develop you sties further with the critique information.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Next Class

Hi All

Please bring 20 of your own images for next class. I have to apologize I let some leave before announcing next weeks requirements.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

USB drives for next class

Hi guys,

Just a reminder to bring your usb drives with you to next class. For those of you who don't have one, heres a link to a USB drive that is on sale at staples.

Assignment 1

Assignment 1- Rough Layout Sketch


Using a regular piece of paper, sketch a layout of your purposed website.

Be sure to include where you logo, navigation and body will go. Be sure to label your links to indicate where your viewer will be going. Also record what colours in HEX format you plan on using.


Hello Every one!

Welcome to the Multimedia applications Blog. This web blog is were I will be posting assignment information, my contact info, and general news.

Feel free to book mark and check often.